Math Resources
- Florida's B.E.S.T. Standards for Mathematics
- B.E.S.T. Instructional Guide for Mathematics (B1G-M)
- Comparison of 9-12 Benchmarks Across Courses
- Elementary Savvas Family Engagement
Safe Schools
3 months ago
Bullying Form
When someone says or does something
unintentionally hurtful, and they do it once, that's
When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful, and they do it once, that's
When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful, and they keep doing it even when you tell them to stop or show them that you're upset, that's

FortifyFL App
- We are pleased to announce that the FortifyFL app is LIVE. Now, any student, educator, parent, or member of the public can report school safety concerns directly to law enforcement and school administrators anonymously and easily through the FortifyFL app or The app, which is available for download on Apple and Android mobile devices, is critical to ensuring all Florida schools are safe environments where students and educators can experience and share the joy of learning without fear. We hope that you will become familiar with this tool and help us spread the word about it with our students.
Department of Children and Family Services
Abuse Hotline
The Florida Abuse Hotline accepts reports of known or suspected child abuse, neglect or abandonment, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

ATTENTION PARENTS! - Read@Home - Literacy Support Information & Resources
a month ago
Greetings Parents and Guardians! Has your child been identified as having a substantial reading deficiency? Or do you just want to help support your student's literacy development at home? Please visit this link for a list and explanation of resources, many of which are electronic, that will help give you powerful, free tools and resources to help your child with the essential components of reading: Oral language, phonics, phonological awareness, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension.

Read@Home Resources! CLICK HERE!
Substantially Reading Below Grade Level Notification: CLICK HERE!
Florida's Report Cards - School Grade Report
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 as amended by the Every Students Succeeds Act (ESSA, 2015), requires every state and district to publish report cards that show how the state, district, and schools are doing with regard to student achievement and success.
Florida’s School Report Cards are now available for your review. For your convenience, you may visit to obtain a copy of the state, district, and school reports. If you need additional information concerning Florida’s School Report Cards, please contact your school’s principal or contact Instructional Services at 386.755.8043. Web Address:
Esta notificación está disponible en Español:
ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLEX - 372 WEST DUVAL STREET SUPERINTENDENT LAKE CITY, FLORIDA 32055-3990 ALEX L. CARSWELL, JR OFFICE PH: (386) 755-8033 . OFFICE PH: (386) 758 - 4912 CCSD PH: 1005 ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENTS E-mail: CHERIE HILL TODD WIDERGREN DIRECTOR JOSEPH N. ADKINS PROGRAM SPECIALIST DAWN M. ODUM Attestation of Qualifications for Teachers and Paraprofessionals Name of School: Fort White Elementary As required by P.L. 114-95 of the Every Student Succeeds Act, I the undersigned campus principal attest to the following for school year 2019-2020. Yes No Requirements Outlined in Statute All teachers meet state certification/licensure requirements and subject matter competency under ESSA Section 112(e) and Florida Statute 1012.42. If "no", how many teachers were hired that do not meet state certification/licensure requirements? 2 Medroum and Peach All instructional paraprofessionals, (except for translation and parental involvement activities) paid with Title I funds meet the requirements to be considered highly qualified. If "no", how many paraprofessionals were hired that do not meet the Title I, Part A qualification? All instructional paraprofessionals paid with Title I funds are assigned appropriate duties consistent with paraprofessional responsibilities and limitation under ESSA Section 111(9)(2)(J) of the Every Student Succeeds Act. 4. All instructional paraprofessionals paid with Title I funds are working under the direct supervision of a teacher consistent with ESSA Section 111(g)(2)(J) of the Every Student Succeeds Act. 5. Paraprofessionals who assume limited duties beyond classroom instruction or duties that do not benefit participating children are the same type of duties as assigned to other paraprofessionals who are not working in a program supported with Title I, Part A funds, and the amount of time spent on such duties is the same proportion of the total work time as prevails with respect to similar personnel at the same school. Copies of this attestation are available at the school and LEA office and will be made available to the general public upon request. Michael P. Christie 8/20/19 Date Accredited System Wide by Southern Association of Colleges and Schools An Equal Opportunity Employer Using Affirmative Action Guidelines
Title 1/Parent Involvement Links
- Title I, II, IV, V Grant Applications
- District Parent and Family Engagement Plan
- FWES Elementary Parent and Family Engagement Plan
- Principal Attestation
- FWES School Improvement Plan
- FWES School Grade
- Florida's School Report Card Information
- Testing Transparency 2024.2025
- Parent's Right to Know
- SAC Information